GCV Education Fund


Relief on Power Bills

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit many families hard, with millions of Americans losing their jobs and millions others having their hours reduced. In these uncertain times, it’s difficult to make ends meet. But when it comes to power bills, there are some benefits that...

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Renewable Energy in Georgia

Renewable energy is the future. The science backs it, the economics back it and more and more people choose renewable energy each year. In Georgia we’ve got a growing industry in renewable energy and the potential it holds is incredible. Here are some facts that you...

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Tips to Save Energy (and Money!) this Summer

Summertime has arrived and everyone is readying grills by the pool and trips outside (even in spite of COVID!). This usually means lots of air conditioner, iced drinks and other activities to help keep cool. Unfortunately, this also means we spend a lot of energy,...

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How to Vote Absentee in Georgia

Dates to Remember: Voter REGISTRATION Deadline - May 11, 2020 Statewide Primary Election - June 9, 2020 Early Voting - May 18, 2020 Primary Runoff - August 11, 2020 General Election - November 3, 2020  Voter registration deadline for the General Election is October 5,...

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Voting Rights in Georgia

Georgia has a grave problem of systemic voter suppression. The history of voter suppression and the exclusion of people of color, women, and indigenous people from our democracy has continued rippling effects on our state. These groups are also the most at risk of...

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Why I am a Climate Voter

This entry is from GCV's own Abraham Park answering the question: Why are you a climate voter? We would love to hear from you about why you are a climate voter as well. If you're interested in sharing, please head here or contact GCV by emailing abraham@gcvoters.org...

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How to Respond to the Census

The 2020 Census is happening now! Earlier this year, we wrote about why taking the census is essential to protecting the environment. Here’s what you need to know to respond to the census survey online, by phone, or by mail. The Census is basically just a survey. The...

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GCV Education Fund advocates for environmental protection, organizes communities, and engages in the democratic process.