2025 is an Election Year

Branch walks you through what will be on your ballot, what it means, and why it matters.

Meet the Georgia EMC Steering Committee!

This group of historically under-represented member-owners from across the state is working together to provide education, support, and organizing tools to EMC member-owners.

Volunteer with GCVEF!

Interested in getting more involved with our work? Fill out this form to take action and join our efforts to advocate for environmental protections, organize our communities, and engage in the democratic process.

Georgia EMC Scorecard

We graded Electric Membership Cooperatives on how they serve their communities. The Scorecard is a tool for member/owners and nonprofits to hold co-ops accountable for their shortcomings, while also identifying trends among cooperatives in a given state or region. Check it out here.

Legal: PSC Lawsuit

Black voters are challenging the at-large method of electing Georgia Public Service Commissioners in a historic federal lawsuit against the Georgia Secretary of State. Learn more about the lawsuit against voting discrimination.

GCV Education Fund advocates for environmental protection, organizes communities, and engages in the democratic process.